Tag Archives: Win With What

Start With Why to Win With What

When publishing a book with the title “Win With What – How Smart Companies Thrive and Survive” it is only natural to compare to the well-known book “Start With Why – how great leaders inspire anyone to take action” by Simon Sinek. In this post I explain why both approaches are needed in any successful business: you start with why to win with what.  

Start With Why

Sinek’s core idea is that by taking an inside-out approach, a company is much more effective in reaching its goals because employees are rallied around a shared belief. To inspire people to take action starts by giving a reason, the Why, and this is the reason the Why is at the core of the Golden Circle.

The Golden Circle (Simon Sinek)


A purposeful Why helps flow energy in the same direction – from How a company works, behaves, communicates and decides, to What is sold in terms of products and services.

Win With What

Without knowing the What, people will never experience the How or understand the Why. That is why the What is the outside layer of Sinek’s Golden Circle. Before getting interested, building desire, or making a purchase we must first know What the company, brand or product is.

When purchasing products or services, buyers take an outside-in or category-led approach.

Win With What advocates category-led growth because with a clearly defined What anyone can find, buy and promote a brand.


This article is from the book Win With What – the first category-led growth book for anyone who wants their business to thrive and survive.

Get your preview at WinWithWhat.com